Monday, October 6, 2008

For the love of the game!

So far this year we have been to all three of the road games and all of the home games for the Utes. So we have to decided to keep the streak alive and go for the ultimate in football fandom. We are going to attend all of the Utah football games this season, hopefully including a great bowl trip. Unfortunately two of the three remaining road games are in Laramie Wyoming and Albuquerque New Mexico, YIKES! We can't let the lack of tourist attractions in Laramie deter us from supporting the Utes. The only downsides with this weekend on the high plains of Wyoming is it is going to snow with high temperatures in the upper 30's. Also, it is Laramie, so not really the place you want to spend extended amounts of time but what else would we do this weekend?

As for Albuquerque, we have never been there so we don't know what to expect. We have heard that there is a lot of IROC Camaros and turquoise rings so that should be exciting. Too bad the hot air balloon festival is this weekend and not over Halloween, which is when we will be down there.

The last roadie of the year will be at San Diego, not a bad place to spend a weekend in the middle of November. This game is between the BYU game and a bowl trip so we will not be able to spend as much time there as we would like, but better than no time at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you goinh to the san diego game??