Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Zoobie Grass

We have the privilege of living next door to a great family that we have become friends with. Unfortunately, they are Cougar fans. Usually pranks between Ute and Cougar fans is reserved for the week of the Holy War. This year it came early to our neighborhood.

One afternoon as I was coming home from work and as I was getting closer to our neighborhood I could sense that there was something wrong. As I entered the cul-de-sac that we live in, I immediately saw the cause of my uneasy feeling.

Zoobie Grass.

Not to be out done and not to let them get away this blatant disrespect to my grass, we were able to get them back. We had discussed a number of ways to retaliate, several of these ideas included a white vinyl fence. However, it seems that most fences in our neighborhood were coated with some sort of anti-graffiti coating that keeps anything from sticking to them! This is what we settled on for round 1 of this rivalry war between neighbors.


Anonymous said...

That looks awesome!! Good idea guys!!

Susan Engar said...

That is hilarious!!! It makes me miss our college days when we did pranks fun!! We are with you guys...UTES ALL THE WAY!

Bree Biesinger Despain said...

As the neighbor who lives between you two, I find this war to be a very satisfying and cheap form of entertainment. You made my day at 6:00am the other morning when I pulled out of the garage and saw that U. I laughed so hard. Although, I may have to step in a referee if things get too out of hand. Hopefully no one will target your Obama/Biden sign, because that would be going way to far...Time to bust some heads!