Saturday, November 8, 2008

Yes We Can!

After what seemed like a never ending campaign for the Presidency, America voted and it was clear that we, as a nation, wanted a change. That change will come through President-elect Obama. It is no secret that we are supporters of President-elect Obama and are very excited for this historical change in American politics. After 8 years of failed domestic and foreign policies, it was good to see the political pendulum begin to swing back the other way. Election night was highlighted by a very powerful acceptance speech by President-elect Obama, it was a moment that we will certainly share with our children and grandchildren.

For those that think that President-elect Obama does not have sufficient executive experience here are a few other notable Presidents and their experience prior to the White House. Franklin D. Roosevelt served a term as Governor and 2 years as a state legislator. Woodrow Wilson only served 2 years as a governor. Abraham Lincoln served 2 years as a U.S. Senator and 8 years as a Illinois State Senator, does that sound familiar (same amount of time in each office as Obama)? They all turned out OK. I guess the electorate, the American public, decided that he was qualified and right for the office. Hopefully with good executive decision and good old fashioned American hard work we can get the greatest country in the history of the world back on top.

1 comment:

janae said...

Hey Em
I just found your blog. How are you guys doing? It has been along time since I've seen ya. I hope it alright if i add you to my list.
Hope all is well